A3. Extension Methods in `C#`

Software Developer, Data Scientist, Technology Leader

A3. Extension Methods in `C#`

This one will be (kind of) short and (definitely) sweet: I want to talk about extension methods in C#. What are they? How are they built? When should you build them? We’ll address each of the questions!

What is an Extension Method?

Extension methods allow us to add methods to existing types without creating new derived types, and without modifying the original type in any way. As you’ll see, they’re declared statically, but are called on instance variables of the underlying type.

If you’re relatively new to C#, you might not have known that these types of methods exist - but I guarantee you’ve used them. Ever hear of LINQ? You know - you declare your using System.Linq directive, and then you can write some really elegant looking code to manipulate your IEnumerable objects…

using System.Linq;

Dictionary<DateTime, float> dict = GetFloatDict();

// Exponential moving average never looked so good...
var ema = dict.Select(kv => kv.Value)
	      .Aggregate((prev, curr) => weight * curr + (1 - weight) * prev);

But if you remove your using directive, what happens? None of those methods work anymore! This is because LINQ is a collection of extension methods for the family of IEnumerable objects. Without importing it, methods like Select and Aggregate aren’t recognized because they aren’t actually declared in the IEnumerable interface.

When should you build Extension Methods?

Now that you know what Extension Methods are, I want to first explain when you should actually build and implement them, before actually showing you how to do so.

As per Microsoft’s documentation: “In general, we recommend that you implement extension methods sparingly and only when you have to.” In my opinion (this is of course debatable) there are exactly two situations when you should write extension methods:

When you don’t control the type being extended

I’ll give a concrete example of this in the next section, but this essentially means that if you are working with a data type that is defined outside the bounds of your project/solution, and if you need to add functionality for that data type that can be used elsewhere in your application, you can write an extension method. Don’t start building extension methods for your own data types if you can implement the functionality directly in the type, or through inheritence.

When you don’t want to force an implementor to construct new methods that can achieve the same functionality of existing methods.

For example, let’s say you have an interface IFoo, and it contains a collection of floating point values. It has a method SumElements(). Now you want to implement the interface in a concrete class, Foo : IFoo. You realize that Foo should be able to compute the mean of the floating point values it contains. You then realize that some (but not all) other implementors of IFoo also need to compute the mean of the values. Now would be a good time to make an extension method CalculateMean() that does so; all of the functionality required to compute the mean is already present in the IFoo interface. Your extension method could do something like SumElements() / Count(), and any implementors can now call this extension method when needed.

Okay, let’s clarify these two use cases with some examples (and more importantly show you how to actually build an extension method).

How to build an Extension Method

Let’s start with building an extension method for our own type. We’ll first consider the last use-case of when to build an extension method discussed above.

Note: For this example, please ignore the fact that LINQ already provides extension methods for summing elements in an IEnumerable

namespace DefaultNamespace
    interface IFoo
	float[] Values { get; }

	float SumElements();

There’s our IFoo interface - nice and simple. Now, we want to decalre a concrete type Foo that implements this interface and provides a method for computing the mean of the elements.

namespace DefaultNamespace
    class Foo : IFoo
	float[] Values { get; set; }

	float SumElements()
	    float sum = float.Zero;
	    for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
		sum += values[i];
	    return sum;

	float CalculateMean()
	    return SumElements() / values.Length;

Now down the line, you realize, “Hey, I need to make another class Bar that also needs to calculate the mean of the elements… Guess I’ll just write it again!”

namespace DefaultNamespace
    class Bar: IFoo
	float[] Values { get; set; }

	float SumElements()
	    float sum = float.Zero;
	    for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; ++i)
		// wonky business here...
		sum -= values[i];
	    return sum;

	float CalculateMean()
	    return SumElements() / values.Length;

“Oh wait, this new class FooBar also needs to calculate the mean… Guess I’ll just write it again!” … And so on, and so forth. The issue here is that not all concrete implementations of IFoo will need to calculate the mean, but enough do - and we’re re-writing a lot of code here (not really, but you get the point for more expensive operations).

Enter the Extension method

Okay, we know we want to make an extension method for the mean. Here’s how we do it:

namespace ExtensionsNamespace
    static class FooExtensions
	static float CalculateMean(this IFoo foo)
	    return foo.SumElements() / foo.Values.Length;

So what do we have:

  • A static class that ends with the word “Extensions”
  • A static method CalculateMean() that takes as an argument an IFoo object
  • The this modifier

FooExtensions is defined statically, in its own class, in a different namespace. The method CalculateMean() is an extension method. The first parameter of an extension method is always preceded by the this modifier and indicates what type the extension method operates on. So, what we’re saying here with this new definition is that we are creating an extension method called CalculateMean() for all IFoo objects. What we can do now is similar to how we use LINQ. Let’s assume our Foo and Bar classes no longer provide the CalculateMean() method - we are instead going to use our newly created extension method.

using DefaultNamespace;
using ExtensionsNamespace;

namespace ApplicationNamespace
    class Program
	static void Main(string[] args)
	    Bar bar = new Bar();
	    Foo foo = new Foo();

	    // initialize bar's float array somewhere

	    // using our extension method!
	    var fooMean = foo.CalculateMean();
	    // using our extension method!
	    var barMean = bar.CalculateMean();

A more concrete example…

Now that the FooBar talk is over, let’s consider a more concrete (yet perhaps overkill) example. Let’s consider the following code:

IDictionary<string, decimal> shoppingCart = GetShoppingCart();

foreach (var kvPair in shoppingCart)
    string itemName = kvPair.Key;
    decimal price = kvPair.Value;

    Console.WriteLine($"{itemName} costed me {price} dollars.");

We want to be able to make this code more compact, and perhaps do similar operations on another IDictionary later. Let’s make an extension method that will allow for a LINQ-style foreach loop on dictionary objects.

namespace Extensions
    static class DictionaryExtensions
	static void ForEach<TKey, TValue>(this IDictionary<TKey, TValue> dict, 
					  Action<TKey, TValue> action)
	    foreach (var kvPair in dict)
		var key = kvPair.Key;
		var value = kvPair.Value;

		action.Invoke(key, value);

Let’s rewrite that code from above…

using Extensions;

GetShoppingCart().ForEach((item, price) => Console.WriteLine($"{itemName} costed me {price} dollars."));

There we have it! We’ve added an extension method to a type (IDictionary) that we have no control over.

I hope this was a good explanation of a really cool and useful feature. Remember - don’t overuse extension methods! There’s always a correct time and place to build them. The examples presented here were perhaps overly simplistic, but I hope they can help inspire you to clean up your code in more complex applications.

Written on August 10, 2019